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New printing options for the AMIVAC bags supplied by Atlantis-Pak

Atlantis-Pak Company has reached a new quality level for printing on its AMIVAC heat shrink bags.  This has been achieved thanks to installation on our production site of the advanced printing complex made by Comexi (Spain).

The Comexi F2 MC 10 printing machine is one of the most reliable and powerful units on the market of flexographic equipment.  It ensures exact reproduction of colors and complex design elements on flexible packaging.  The special fat- and water-resistant inks and varnishes keep the printed image clear and bright, even under the effect of low and high temperatures.


Highly accurate application of thin lines and small fonts, seamless and fullbleed printing of the entire packaging surface— these options are now available to the customers of Atlantis-Pak. Make your purchase order for printed bags and get the design artwork free of charge.


New printing services of Atlantis-Pak — it's when your ideas find the embodiment that they deserve.


See more detailed information about printing on the AMIVAC bags: https://api.atlantis-pak.top/files/documents/d5002bc869c82b6fb41ee03d994ae197.pdf