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Africa .en
Sustainable packaging
When you buy packaging solutions of Atlantis-Pak you not only benefit from the advantages of our plastic packaging but also contribute to environment protection
Environmental Policy Goals
To reduce the negative impact on the environment. To control, develope and improve of environmental indicators based on the eco-management system
1. 19 times less freshwater consumption per ton of our products
2. 9m3 wastewater we drain off per ton of production output
0 emission - no toxic chemicals are involved in production
1. 100% nature friendly our packaging is fully recyclable
2. Up to X3 longer shelf life in our casings results in less Earth spoilage
3. 11 trees we save daily from cutting down
4. 5 tons garbage less daily due to downgauging
Up to 40% ecotax savings upon switching over to our films
Saving the environment has never been so profitable